"Happy as a dog on a boat" isn't a mainstream phrase, but it should be!
I just think about the days that I have brought my dogs on various boats, and they genuinely love it. The dogs enjoy it ALMOST as much as its owners. All around, this illustrations shows that it's hard to beat days out on the water with your best friends.
If you have a boykin, or have seen boykins, then you know how extra excited they get when they enjoy doing a certain activity. That is the type of excitement I believe people should feel when they have the opportunity to be on the water.
Too often people get a bad attitude on the water. Whether it started when they were loading up the boat, frustrated at something or someone, the boat landing was annoying, or whatever little petty thing it was. By the time they are on the water the whole day is ruined because of a bad attitude. All I'm saying is to remember that not every day can be a boat day, learn from a dog because they enjoy it no matter what and don't take it for granted!

If you were wondering what skiff that is: That is a Flood Tide Boatworks skiff. I have gotten to know Sam the owner and have spent some time on the skiffs that he is building. I encourage y'all to look into those boats and follow him on social media!
The dog on the boat is Rudy, my wife and I's 7 year old boykin.
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