Angler Series: Harry Tomlinson

The second angler in the series to answer a questionnaire is Harry Tomlinson. He and I went to high school together and he pretty much got me into fly fishing for redfish. Here's some quick questions for my bud.

Who are you? Harry

What do you do? Student of the medicine

How do you do what you do? One step at a time

What do you think you’ll be doing in 5 years? Saving lives

Preferred type of fishing? Sight

Biggest fish caught? Not big enough

Best part of your day? Folgers in my cup

Worst part of your day? Waiting for the folgers

Bourbon, beer, or wine? Each has its place

Rage out on the town or quietly sip drinks at home? Ha. Ha...

Mountains or beach? Both

Your dream fish to catch? Anything jako catches

Favorite restaurant? Rachael's kitchen

Your thoughts on fake people? Not worth thinking about

Your biggest pet peeve about another fisherman? Other fishermen

Last song that you listened to? Get down on it

Favorite band of all time? Too many. But Joe cocker

Other hobbies? Learning stuff

What is something no one knows about you? My middle name is Flinzuünheiffen

Best memory fishing? So many incredible ones but I hope the best hasn't happened yet

Worst memory fishing? Breaking stuff

Funniest fishing story you have? Is about taking random people fishing

#1 person you’d like to meet? Albert Hofmann and Rick Strassman

Tell us anything you absolutely want as a closing statement: do excellence

Next week we will feature a fisherman from Flint, Michigan who is a "suit."

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